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School Choice: The Clear Path to Student Success

A high-quality education provides students with the necessary tools for success. However, many American students are kept from meeting their full potential because they are in a school that is not tailored to their needs. Families should be empowered to place students in an environment which will challenge and encourage them to achieve.

School choice improves student safety. School safety ranks consistently as a top issue for parents. Many students forced to attend schools in communities experiencing high rates of violence struggle to concentrate on academics. However, according to one study, participating in a private school choice program significantly reduced the likelihood of students engaging in criminal activity as young adults. School choice programs provide students with the basic right to find a safe place to thrive and learn.

School choice improves academic performance. Across virtually every metropolitan area surveyed over more than two decades, math scores rose as charter school enrollment increased, particularly among Hispanic and Black communities. On average, students who attend charter high schools graduate at a higher rate than those who attend traditional government-run high schools. In Washington, D.C., 68.8 percent of District high school students graduated during the 2018-2019 academic year; by contrast, almost 77 percent of charter high school students graduated in the same year.

School choice leads to higher rates of college admissions. Students who participated in the largest private school choice program in the nation – the Florida Tax Credit scholarship – pursued postsecondary education at a 15 percent higher rate than students in traditional government-run schools. For many professions, a college education is one of the greatest hurdles to further financial or professional success. Providing students with school choice programs, which allow them to attend schools tailored to their learning style, creates new opportunities for students to succeed.

Education should be a gateway to success, yet many students are forced to attend a school that cannot meet their needs. Expanding school choice options provides students with more opportunities to learn and succeed.
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